note: (This is a basic definition and will not have a video based on this or any other ways of sharing this info, this is just a small definition.)
What do many think of VR?
Well the idea of having a VR set came out in the 1990's itself, but VR took its way all the way where it turned into headsets in 2010's where it became popular and was an amazing thing to have and been further and further developed until the present day. But when people hear the word VR they do not think of a created and "fake" world, they think of a VR headset where someone puts it on and they see another totally digital world but they do not think its a digital world they just say that it is "VR". Many who have used or even bought a VR headset might mot even know that VR stands for Virtual Reality.

Now what is VR?
Virtual Reality is what is not real, it is something that is a sort of illusion to your senses, it is a whole other world, where everything has been digitized,and programmed. The whole idea of Virtual Reality was that a user must see a virtual world, where it is all fake but seems real to the eye.