THE start
We have used this company as reference to our research, and a help towards other people below we will share why we created this company!
the project
Once there was a huge 2 month school project taking place, and there was a group interested in AI. They had a lot of passion towards AI and, did a excellent job on their school project!
the name
The company name does not have a long story like others but has a meaning towards it. We had took the words Tech, and AI together trying to make it look interesting and although unique. Eduard the CEO planned on making it unique by putting it together like "TeChai"
THe company
Now since this group of members were so interested in AI and what it can to do the Earth and humans whether good or bad, they decided to create a company and so they did, and they were all proud of themselves doing it.
The members
Now like a normal company we had a idea to get more than just 6 members so we did! By telling our friends and telling people we know now we are exceeding in our members although we have only like 20 members but that is enough for a good start!